Schools & Programs
College Counseling
VSGIS의 컬리지 카운셀링(VSCC)는 아카데믹 딘이 총괄을 하며,
경험이 풍부한 컬리지 카운셀러들로 구성된 팀이 담당하고 있습니다.
It is a 1:1 service provided by a counselor to help students manage their academic schedules and career counseling for one year.
For long-term Career Plans, students are encouraged to think about Career Options and choose an appropriate major accordingly through individual interviews.
After organizing individual school selection criteria, we make a list of primary universities and advise the students to research specific admissions screening and other useful information according to their chosen major.
Purpose of writing Resume, Educational Background, Leadership, Honors & Awards, Activities & Volunteer Work, Experiences (work, research, etc.)
We instruct how to effectively prepare the required contents of the application, review the contents that need to be prepared in advance, and prepare a personal schedule for writing theapplication.
We organize detailed university data according to the list of selected universities (including Early Decisions). Based on the organized data, students are guided to establish admission strategiesfor each university.
We guide each student in writing an effective essay to help them establish a strong message and a coherent storyline throughout the application.
Common App and school application submission, financial statement documents, interview preparation and application status check
We provide support for students to receive financial aid and scholarships for University life.
We provide support for confirmation of results, additional admission strategies, and issuance of I-20s for the applicant college.
구분 | 4~5월 | 6월 | 7월 | 8월 | 9월 | 10월 | 11월 | 12월 | 1~4월 |
원서 컨설팅 |
학생/학부모상담 프로파일링 |
대학입학 |
에세이 전략 Personal Brainstorming |
[원서5] Supplemental 원서 작업 |
[원서7] |
원서 |
[원서10] |
[원서12] |
Deferral |
최적의 대학 선정 |
[원서1] 준비사항 및 계획에 대한 지도 이력서 |
[원서4] 에세이 작업 Up to 5 sessions |
[원서6] 추천서 작성지도 및 지원 |
[원서8] 추가 자료 작성 |
Early 원서 제출 |
원서11] Financial Form |
면접준비 | 대기자 명단 발송 (요청시) |
[원서2] 전공선택 |
[원서9] 재정지원 장학금 신청 |
[원서3] 최종 대학 선정 |